Ice Cream Temparature & Revenue Analysis
A temperature-driven revenue analysis project unraveling the economic dynamics of the ice cream.
Machine LearningSupervised Learning - RegressionSimple Linear Regression
Predicting Food Prices in Nigreia
The Economics of Eating: Predicting Food Price Trends in Nigeria.
Machine LearningSupervised Learning - RegressionMultiple Linear Regression
Fish Market
Estimate the weight of a fish based on its species and the physical measurements.
Machine LearningSupervised Learning - RegressionPolynomial Regression
Loan Prediction
Predict Loan Eligibility for Dream Housing Finance company Dream Housing Finance company deals in all kinds of home loans. They have presence across all urban, semi urban and rural areas. Customer first applies for home loan and after that company validates the customer eligibility for loan.
Machine LearningSupervised Learning - ClassificationLogistic Regression